Sign your union card today for power and protection at Princeton!
CPT for Everyone at Princeton supports Princeton Graduate Student Union (PGSU) and trusts PGSU will tremendously improve international student support.
Dear allies,
You’re reading a special newsletter from us in support of Princeton Graduate Student Union. I’m super excited to be signing my union card today because I think with the union we can have the power we need at Princeton!
Signing cards is the official first step towards having a union on campus—once a majority of grads have signed, we can have an official union election and then be recognized at the bargaining table with Princeton. We can bargain for affordable housing, funded childcare, more support for international students, and more—Princeton grads for Princeton grads.
Can you join me? Here's the card signing link. Please see more details in the forwarded email below.
Dear Princeton Graduate Worker:
Today, hundreds of graduate employees are coming together to ensure that we have fair working conditions! We are organizing to make sure we have the support we need to do world-class research.
We are officially kicking off our drive to form a union of graduate employees! Join us by signing your union card today!
With a graduate worker union at Princeton, we will be able to ensure the highest standards of institutional support for research, teaching, and our community. Thousands of graduate workers coming together to bargain will have the power to establish graduate education as an institutional priority.
With a union, we will bargain a union contract that secures:
Fair & effective grievance procedures
Improved international student support
Better healthcare & funded childcare
Affordable housing through graduation
Guaranteed pay raises & contingency funds
Clear & safe work standards
You can read our detailed platform here.
We will do this by:
Signing up a majority of graduate workers on union cards.
Asking the National Labor Relations Board to hold a union election.
Winning the election!
Electing our Bargaining Committee and negotiating for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Voting to approve the first-ever union contract for graduate workers at Princeton!
Graduate unions have a long history of winning substantial improvements in living and research conditions for graduate workers across the U.S. We are not alone: our peers at New York University, Columbia, Harvard, Brown, Brandeis, and Georgetown, among others, have all won recognized unions and bargained contracts to improve their working conditions over the last several years, and more graduate workers at private and public universities are joining our movement and winning union elections every day. In just the last year, grad workers at MIT, Northwestern, and Johns Hopkins voted YES by huge margins as they unionized with our national affiliate, UE.
Let’s make history at Princeton: Sign your union card now!
In Solidarity,
The Organizing Committee
Princeton Graduate Students United - United Electrical Workers (PGSU-UE)